
How To Graph An Equation In Excel

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This wikiHow teaches y'all how to create a graph or nautical chart in Microsoft Excel. You tin create a graph from data in both the Windows and the Mac versions of Microsoft Excel.


  1. i

    Open Microsoft Excel. Its app icon resembles a greenish box with a white "X" on information technology.

  2. two

    Click Blank workbook . It'south a white box in the upper-left side of the window.


  3. 3

    Consider the type of graph you desire to brand. At that place are three basic types of graph that you can create in Excel, each of which works all-time for certain types of information:[1]

    • Bar - Displays one or more than sets of information using vertical confined. Best for listing differences in data over time or comparing two similar sets of data.
    • Line - Displays ane or more sets of data using horizontal lines. All-time for showing growth or decline in data over time.
    • Pie - Displays one ready of information every bit fractions of a whole. Best for showing a visual distribution of data.
  4. iv

    Add your graph'south headers. The headers, which determine the labels for private sections of information, should go in the summit row of the spreadsheet, starting with cell B1 and moving correct from at that place.

    • For example, to create a set of data called "Number of Lights" and another set chosen "Power Bill", you would type Number of Lights into prison cell B1 and Ability Bill into C1
    • Always leave cell A1 blank.
  5. 5

    Add your graph'south labels. The labels that separate rows of information go in the A column (starting in cell A2). Things similar fourth dimension (eastward.g., "Solar day 1", "Day 2", etc.) are normally used as labels.

    • For example, if y'all're comparing your budget with your friend's budget in a bar graph, you might label each column by calendar week or month.
    • You should add a label for each row of data.
  6. 6

    Enter your graph'southward information. Starting in the cell immediately below your first header and immediately to the correct of your first label (most probable B2), enter the numbers that you want to use for your graph.

    • Y'all can press the Tab central in one case you're washed typing in i jail cell to enter the information and leap one prison cell to the correct if you're filling in multiple cells in a row.
  7. 7

    Select your data. Click and drag your mouse from the tiptop-left corner of the data group (east.g., prison cell A1) to the bottom-right corner, making certain to select the headers and labels also.

  8. eight

    Click the Insert tab. It'southward virtually the peak of the Excel window. Doing so will open a toolbar below the Insert tab.

  9. 9

    Select a graph type. In the "Charts" section of the Insert toolbar, click the visual representation of the type of graph that you lot want to use. A drop-down bill of fare with different options will appear.

    • A bar graph resembles a serial of vertical bars.
    • A line graph resembles two or more squiggly lines.
    • A pie graph resembles a sectioned-off circle.
  10. x

    Select a graph format. In your selected graph's drop-downwardly carte, click a version of the graph (e.g., 3D) that you want to use in your Excel document. The graph will be created in your certificate.

    • Y'all can as well hover over a format to see a preview of what information technology will expect like when using your information.
  11. xi

    Add a title to the graph. Double-click the "Chart Title" text at the top of the chart, and so delete the "Nautical chart Title" text, replace it with your ain, and click a blank space on the graph.

    • On a Mac, you'll instead click the Pattern tab, click Add Chart Element, select Chart Title, click a location, and type in the graph'due south title.[two]
  12. 12

    Save your document. To practice so:

    • Windows - Click File, click Salvage Every bit, double-click This PC, click a save location on the left side of the window, blazon the document'due south name into the "File proper noun" text box, and click Save.
    • Mac - Click File, click Save Every bit..., enter the document's name in the "Save As" field, select a salve location past clicking the "Where" box and clicking a folder, and click Relieve.


Add New Question

  • Question

    How do I alter the horizontal axis to a vertical axis in Excel?

    Community Answer

    Click "Edit" and then press "Motility." If this doesn't piece of work, double click the centrality and use the dots to move it.

  • Question

    How practice I impress a graph but in Excel?

    Community Answer

    Type command p on your laptop or go to print on the page font of your screen?

  • Question

    How practice I label a Series?

    Jayna Akanova

    Jayna Akanova

    Community Answer

    Right-click the chart with the information series you want to rename, and click Select Data. In the Select Data Source dialog box, under Legend Entries (Series), select the information series, and click Edit. In the Serial name box, blazon the name you want to apply.

  • Question

    How to rename data series?

    Jayna Akanova

    Jayna Akanova

    Customs Answer

    Right-click the chart with the data series you want to rename, and click Select Information. In the Select Data Source dialog box, nether Fable Entries (Serial), select the information series, and click Edit. In the Series proper noun box, blazon the name you want to use.

  • Question

    How tin I change the range of numbers in the vertical axis?

    Jayna Akanova

    Jayna Akanova

    Community Answer

    In a chart, click the value axis that y'all want to change, or do the following to select the centrality from a list of chart elements: Click anywhere in the nautical chart. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the arrow next to the Chart Elements box, and then click Vertical (Value) Axis.

  • Question

    How can I add another vertical axis in a graph?

    Deborah Archary

    Deborah Archary

    Community Reply

    Assuming you already know how to make a bones bar graph from a workbook? If not, check out Wikihow's commodity "Create a Graph in Excel." Continue in mind, Column A is used for your horizontal axis data. B1, C1, D1 etc. can be used as headings for each vertical axis. Input data from cell 2 onwards in each column. Just make certain any information you lot input into these columns correlate cell by cell with your column A horizontal centrality information. The information inputted in these columns i.e. B, C, D, E, etc. will be converted into a bar in your bar graph when you select all your information, click "insert", then "chart" and choose bar graph.

  • Question

    How do I alter a data series?

    Tina X

    To change a data serial, y'all would select a range of your spreadsheet appropriate for the data.

  • Question

    How practise I alter the color on my bar graph?

    Ahhna Shrivstava

    Ahhna Shrivstava

    Customs Answer

    Click on the chart and become to nautical chart design. Y'all will get some options such as white to blackness. To change the color of bars, simply click on a bar. All bars will automaticly become selected. Go to format and alter the colour.

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  • You can change the graph'due south visual advent on the Design tab.

  • If yous don't want to select a specific type of graph, you can click Recommended Charts and and so select a graph from Excel's recommendation window.


  • Some graph formats won't include all of your information, or will brandish information technology in a confusing manner. It's of import to cull a graph format that works with your data.


About This Article

Commodity Summary X

1. Enter the graph'due south headers.
ii. Add together the graph's labels.
three. Enter the graph's data.
4. Select all data including headers and labels.
5. Click Insert.
six. Select a graph type.
7. Select a graph format.
8. Add a title to the graph.

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