
How To Calculate Normal Distribution In Excel

Microsoft Excel for statistics > Normal Distribution Probability in Excel

Before y'all begin, you lot might find it helpful to review what a normal distribution is. See: What is a normal distribution?
You can besides review what different types of word issues you're likely to meet. See:
Normal distributions Word Problems.

Lookout the video for the steps. Update vi/iv/2016: Although I'm using an older version of Excel in this video, the steps are exactly the same for Excel 2016:

Can't see the video? Click here.

How to Summate Normal Distribution Probability in Excel

normal distribution probability in Excel
While it'south possible to look up probabilities for a normal distribution using the z-table, it's really much easier to summate probabilities in Excel for a couple of reasons. Starting time, at that place'southward no looking at a table; the NORMDIST function does the difficult work for you. Second, Excel does the intermediate calculations for you. Most adding errors happen in an intermediate step (such as calculating the z-score to look up) rather than the actual z-score itself. Excel can handle three types of probability calculations: more than, less than, and in between. These instructions work for Excel 2007 and Excel 2010.

Sample Question: Suppose that a contaminant in samples from a city's water supply has a mean of 500 ppm and a standard deviation of 100 ppm. What is the probability that bacteria in a randomly selected water sample will exist: ane/ less than 600 ppm ii/More than than 600 ppm three/between 400 and 600 ppm?

Summate Normal Distribution Probability in Excel: Less than

Step 1: Click an empty cell.

Step ii: Click "Insert Formula".

Step 3: Type "Normdist" into the search box and so click "Get."

Step 4: Select "NORMDIST" from the list and then click "OK" to open up the Function Arguments window.

Step 5: Enter your data into the box. For this instance, blazon "600" in the Ten box, "500" in the Mean box, "100" in the Standard Difference box and "truthful" in the cumulative box..

Step 6: Click "OK.". This returns 0.84134474 in the jail cell y'all clicked in Stride 1, which is the probability of getting under 600 ppm.

Calculate Normal Distribution Probability in Excel: More than

Stride 7: Decrease your answer from Step 7 (above) from i:
1-0.84134474= 0.158653.

Calculate Normal Distribution Probability in Excel: Between

Step 8: Repeat Steps 1 through 8 for the 2d value, which for this case is 400. The probability is 0.15865526.
Footstep 9: Decrease the larger probability from the smaller probability. In this example:
0.84134474 – 0.15865526 = 0.68269

That's it!


Agresti A. (1990) Categorical Information Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Gonick, Fifty. (1993). The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. HarperPerennial.
Vogt, W.P. (2005). Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology: A Nontechnical Guide for the Social Sciences. SAGE.
Wheelan, C. (2014). Naked Statistics. W. W. Norton & Visitor


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