
What If Analysis Growth And Attrition Excel

In this:

  • Measuring employee attrition
  • Measuring employee commitment
  • Carefully examining the reasons why people leave
  • Creating a meliorate exit survey
  • Instance go out survey

To create an higher up-average company, you have to do three things well:

  1. acquire or concenter employees capable of above-average performance (in a higher place-average relative to your competitors)
  2. actuate those employees you hire to a level of high operation
  3. and keep more employees with above-average functioning than those with average or low performance.

This is about the third, your ability to command employee attrition

Attrition refers to the number or percentage of employees who are leaving a company to work for other companies or who have decided to pursue other opportunities. The attrition rate is the measurement you use to make up one's mind the percent of employees who have left a visitor in a given period.

<Tip> Some might utilize other terms to refer to attrition — termination rate and exit rate, for example — they all hateful the aforementioned thing. When I get into measures below, I use the term exit rate because information technology is shorter and more comfortable to say than the compunction rate.

The effort required to find, select, and get employees to a high level of performance can exist substantial. As a result, information technology is reasoned that the cost of replacing each employee, all factors considered, can exceed an entire twelvemonth of employee pay. Naturally, the price of losing an in a higher place-average employee in a key position may be more than – in some cases, two to three more than. That fact may explain why there is no more than frequently discussed topic amongst HR professionals as employee attrition and why employee retention (the inverse of compunction) is the most commonly cited justification for 60 minutes programs and projects. And, if y'all need even more proof of the importance of managing employee compunction for an enterprise, it turns out that information technology's the most ofttimes used 60 minutes central performance indicator (KPI) —the standard for measuring how successful an Hour organization is in meeting its objectives. Sometimes the standard for how well a business leader is meeting their 'people objectives' also.

Despite the importance of controlling employee compunction rates to both HR professionals and executives, most strategies meant to reduce attrition are based on anecdotes rather than on audio logic and evidence. Many Hr departments exert a dandy deal of effort in the hope of influencing their arrangement's compunction rate measure out, only to see that it tenaciously remains the same. Or worse, it erratically moves up and down with little caption. In such a world, executives keep doing what they're doing, and HR keeps reporting the attrition charge per unit as a KPI, simply everyone's actions end up having piddling influence on the attrition rate. The inability to showroom whatsoever evidence of control over the attrition KPI destroys the credibility of human resource professionals and their programs.

Fortunately, at that place'south a wealth of easily collectible data you tin can use to apply to control employee attrition. You tin can test your assumptions about compunction through analysis because the new information. The actions that are doing nothing to support your control over attrition can be eliminated, making room for actions that permit you improve control over attrition.

In this postal service, I point out common misconceptions well-nigh employee attrition, show you a better way to think well-nigh attrition, and give yous the playbook for how to measure out and control attrition through audio information analysis rather than guessing or blindly following whatever others are telling you to practice. Before y'all do anything with measurement, it is important to build a foundation in sound thinking. So allow's kickoff with the misconceptions.

Getting Across the Mutual Misconceptions virtually Attrition

The most common misconceptions almost attrition are the following:

* Attrition is only related to what yous do or don't exercise well as a manager or company

* People leave for but a single reason

* All attrition is the same

* All attrition should be prevented

* Y'all can compare the compunction count of 1 grouping straight to another

* You can command employee attrition with global, 1-size-fits-all efforts

Basing memory strategies on misconceptions is both costly and ineffective. The purpose of People Analytics is to provide prove-based recommendations by determining the statistically significant relationships between the antecedents you control, employee behavior, and outcomes. Let me walk you through how bear witness-based approaches to put to remainder some of the misconceptions almost attrition.

Misconception 1: Compunction is merely a consequence of what you do or don't do well as a manager or company.

Evidence-Based Perspective:

 * What other companies do or don't do matters as much to influence your attrition rate as what you practice or don't do

 * The number of job and person-specific external opportunities that are available matters

* The economy and job market matters

Misconception ii: People leave for simply one reason.

Evidence-Based Perspective:

* The decision to leave a company ismultivariate: In that location is no unmarried cause. As with the human lifespan, many reasons contribute to or protect against agin outcomes, like, for instance, decease. To ask, "What causes expiry?" works when you are talking about a specific instance but is non-sensical when applied to a population. There are many factors associated with death, some more frequent than others. Also, some elements at the same time push and pull in different directions.

<Remember> Saying that there is a range of dissimilar things that matter is not to throw up your hands and say "stuff happens." You lot can determine the precise balance of each variable'due south contributions to compunction using a multivariate regression model that includes all of the variables you want to test to see how much each variable proportionally contributes to the employee population as a whole or for a item segment.

While I don't prove you lot how to analyze multivariate problems using a multiple regression model in this mail service, I practise so in Chapter 14 of People Analytics For Dummies: Modeling Hour Data With Multiple Regression Analysis.

* Some of the factors that influence compunction aren't a part of the conscious decision to exit, making the confront-value answer to "Why?" problematic. If an existing employee gives y'all a single answer, it may or may not be the real reason, but it certainly isn't the only reason. Some variables mathematically increase the probability of employee attrition but are never a part of the employees' conscious awareness. If an essential variable is non in their consciousness, they cannot maybe mention it in an leave survey.

Misconception 3: All attrition is the same.

Evidence-Based Perspective:

* Attrition in job types that take greater responsibility has more than impact on company functioning than attrition at lower-responsibleness level job types.

* Compunction in job types that have more company-specific strategic value - determined past the visitor's unique production or service value proffer - has more touch on company functioning than attrition of more than general job types.

* Attrition of employees with above-average performance has more impact than with employees who have boilerplate or beneath-boilerplate performance.

Misconception 4: All compunction should be prevented

Evidence-Based Perspective:

* Compunction creates much-needed opportunities for job movement and promotion within an organization and is necessary to bring in new talent with fresh energy.

* Virtually companies take pay-for-performance compensation practices and leadership succession planning programs. These programs intend to decrease the likelihood of high-performing employees leaving while letting the attrition charge per unit of lower-performing employees remain high or even increment. It'southward antithetical to these resource-intensive practices to try to reduce all employee attrition with other, resources-intensive programs. Most people don't realize performance management programs tin can only work if you take employee attrition - otherwise, they reach little to nothing at all. (also experienced HR professionals)

<Think> If you intend to reduce employee attrition below that of other companies, and then a performance management program that withholds rewards from average performers to provide rewards to high performers is not for you lot. The two ideals are not mathematically compatible.

 * What is more important than the overall reduction in attrition is control of compunction so that there'southward lower-than-average attrition in the segments where you want to retain proportionally more employees (loftier performers in disquisitional jobs) and college-than-average compunction in the segments where that attrition is acceptable or desirable.

Misconception 5: You can compare the attrition charge per unit of one job family or cost heart direct to another.

Bear witness-Based Perspective:

* Some job types take naturally higher attrition rates than other types. For example, highly interchangeable roles like cashier, client service rep, or sales rep take college boilerplate attrition rates than more specialized or technical roles.

* People in different tenure horizons (0–1 year, 1–iii, iii–5, 5+, for example) have very different almanac attrition rates.

* People in different geographic locations accept different annual attrition rates because there are different opportunities and labor market conditions provided to them.

* It's unfair and useful to compare the attrition charge per unit of groups that have different squad limerick by job type, location, or tenure because these factors influence the overall probability of attrition as much or more than other factors.

<Retrieve> Unless you mathematically control the variables I draw to a higher place (Job Family, Tenure, and Location), y'all should never compare one leader'southward exit rate with another!

Misconception 6: You lot tin can control employee compunction with global, ane-size-fits-all efforts.

Evidence-Based Perspective:

*Targeted intervention is almost effective.

* Making interventions proportional to the most likely need per segment, y'all can more than effectively reduce attrition. For one segment, a well-timed promotion within the company is a useful retention tool; for another, an to a higher place-market pay offer is the just strategy that would piece of work; and for another, it'due south correcting bad manager behaviors or providing necessary support at the team.

<Remember> The fact that the factor that matters is different by segment is not to say, "Anybody is dissimilar" and therefore do everything or don't do annihilation. Y'all tin use assay to determine the best options per segment or individual.

 * Targeted interventions accomplish better results because concentrating resources produces advantages.

What happens if y'all one hundred different people most why they think people leave their jobs? You hear some of the near common explanations repeated over and over — "People leave managers, not companies," or pay dissatisfaction, job dissatisfaction, lack of promotion opportunities, and burnout. Indeed, it is piece of cake to imagine how someone subjected to one of these conditions would be more probable to pursue some other job opportunity. Yet if it is a simple as this, then why is that many employees, perhaps the majority of employees, endure in employment under the same conditions? If 80% of employees in the same situation stayed and only twenty% left, is the variable a meaningful explainer or predictor of attrition? You may begin to see, as I practice, in that location are bug with the conventional explanations. The mutual reasons may or may not exist a factor in any one private case; nonetheless, some other things are going on as well.

Some recent research from my Alma Mater, the University of Minnesota, has brought into view how disquisitional events or shocks play a role in the determination to go out the job. The thinking goes like this - sometimes, an unexpected daze may increase a person's likelihood to exit who may non have otherwise exhibited any of the typical characteristics or circumstances that would mostly run into before an exit. Examples of shocks are being passed over for an expected promotion, the announcement of a merger, a spouse, beingness offered a job out of town, the nascency of a child, or stock options vesting at a greater-than-expected value. When studying the general not-shock related factors, you take to control for shocks mathematically. If you were not to include all of the critical factors and relevant shocks in a multivariate assay, the omissions brand information technology challenging to ascertain the actual proportional contribution of each of the other characteristics. This is where much of the study of employee attrition breaks downward.

<Remember> Though none of the many possible explanations provided totally and always wrong, these non-evidence based generalizations are not useful. People analytics involves using data to understand the situational compunction risks that different companies, groups, and individuals experience and to help determine with more certainty what specific actions reduce compunction in those circumstances. People Analytics is more constructive than guessing or trying to implement dozens of stock solutions.

Considering attrition in the context of talent strategy

Before the dawn of people analytics, about companies' 60 minutes strategies boiled down to ane idea: Practise everything yous tin imagine possible to go on every bit many employees equally possible.

Whereas in the past, many doctors believed that fresh air and "bloodletting" was a useful solution for illness, today they accept a more focused and data-driven approach. It's also the same with employee compunction.

Now, with the assistance of people analytics, you'll be able to more than advisedly measure out employee attrition and friction match your efforts to a more carefully crafted strategy. With employee attrition analysis, you can place which employee segments have the highest attrition risk and narrow in on plans to reduce compunction risk and and so measure how successful your actions are.

Measuring Employee Attrition

If you're going to analyze employee attrition, starting time, you have to quantify it into a measurement. Read on to find out how.

Every measurement begins with a working definition and a mathematical operator. Here's how to operationally ascertain exits, the base of operations component of the leave charge per unit. Ango out is someone who was an employee that is no longer an employee. To calculate the number of exits, you lot extract a listing of all current and old employees and count the employees within a given segment with an get out date within the period you are reporting.

<Tip> Almost man resource data system (HRIS) have a preconfigured exit list report that can provide a listing of all employees who accept exited in a given period. These lists by and large include the names of the employees, but as well some basic facts near the employee, like worker ID, beginning appointment, job, managing director, business unit of measurement, segmentation, location, base pay, and gender. If you lot do not know how to get this list with a sufficient range of information included on it, you lot can inquire someone from It or HRIT to assist you go a list like this.

The shorthand formula for exits looks like this:

Exits Formula: Count [Segment].[Period].Exits

Say that y'all want to know how many statisticians exited in 2017. In words more humans are likely to empathize, you count exits in the following way:

If employee go out engagement is equal to or greater than January i, 2017, and less than January 1, 2018, AND task equals ["Statistician"], then count information technology; if not, so don't.

You may reach this count using an If-And so statement in Excel or any programing language:

Jan 1, 2017, to Jan 1, 2018, represents the period. Period = [2017].

"Statistician" is the chore, which represents the segment. Segment = [Statistician].

Using the shorthand method I just mentioned, you lot're applying the following operation:

Count [Statistician].[2017].Exits

In practice, you would apply this operation for all relevant segments and periods to prepare a dataset for your graph output or visual dashboard.

You lot might also prepare this dataset every bit a base input for other, more complicated compound measures that combine ii or more measures with more operators — for example, get out rate. The next department deals with that concept.

Calculating the leave rate

If you think almost exits simplistically, you may accept the position that a segment or period with more exits is worse than a segment or period with fewer exits. The trouble with this position is that, because there are a different number of employees in each segment, you tin can't compare the number of exits to each other direct to derive any pregnant.

Allow'due south compare Grouping A to Grouping B in the aforementioned period. Group A in Period 1 has 100 people. Group B in Catamenia 1 has 50 people. If x people leave from both Group A and Group B in Menstruum i, that represents 10 per centum of Group A and 20 percent of Group B. Although we're talking well-nigh the same number of exits, employees are exiting Group B at two times the charge per unit of Group A.

You'll encounter the aforementioned trouble if you lot're comparing Group A to itself over fourth dimension. Let's say that Group A has 100 people in Menses one and has 200 people in Catamenia 2. If ten people leave in Period 1 and 20 people exit in Menstruum ii, you may assume that exits are ii times larger in Menstruum 2 — only this assumption isn't true. Exits are 10 per centum of headcount in both cases, even though Period 2 had more exits on an accented basis. (The math here is simple: 10/100 = 10%, and xx/200 = 10%.)

<Recall>  In most situations, the go out rate is a far more useful figure to summate than the get out count.

<Recall> It's of import to understand what exits mean in some relative context then that you can compare different segment sizes to each other. For this reason, written report segment exits as a percentage of segment boilerplate headcount — this is the all-time style to calculate the leave charge per unit. To calculate the get out charge per unit, yous divide the number of segment exits within a given segment inside a given menstruum by the average headcount of the same segment for the same menstruum:

Leave-Rate Formula:Count [Segment].[Period].Exits / [Segment].[Period].Average-Headcount

Figure 11-1: Calculating the exit charge per unit

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For this calculation, you lot need to count the total number of exits from a segment for the period of analysis. And then you divide the exits past the average number of employees in that segment.

Calculating the annualized exit rate

If you know the number of exits for part of a year, you tin can extrapolate this information for the rest of the year — theannualized exit charge per unit, in other words —using the following formula:

Annualized Exit Rate = ({YTD Exit Rate} x (12 / #-of-Months))

Annualization satisfies the basic trouble that you cannot compare a partial year to a full twelvemonth. Therefore information technology'due south difficult to make sense of partial yr data without putting it on a more unremarkably understood annual ground. Annualization allows you to view the partial yr, if what occurred in the months that elapsed happened over 12 months.

<Remember>  Annualization is a bones forecast. Annualizing based on a portion of the year may miss regular seasonal variations that may skew the results. Annualization misses any dispatch or deacceleration that may be occurring. Annualization does not provide a precise forecast — information technology tin can help you lot compare the data you have to annual historical data or other benchmark data expressed on an almanac footing. In that location are other, more rigorous methods for forecasting and predicting if that is your intent.

Refining go out rate past blazon classification

Not all exits are the same. At the time that an employee leaves the company, someone records the go out in the Human Resource Information Arrangement (HRIS). At this time, whoever is recording the leave, either a managing director or an administrator, must input some details regarding exit. Was the exit voluntary or involuntary? Was the go out regretted or not-regretted? Was theleaveavoidable or unavoidable? What was the provided reason for the leave? More than 1 nomenclature type framework is desirable, and these can be used alone or used together for diverse purposes. The nomenclature type framework varies past visitor and past the desired level of logical precision.

In this list, I describe some of the most commonly used exit classification types:

*Voluntary: An exit isvoluntary if the employee voluntarily exits the company of their own choice and free volition.

*Involuntary: An exit isinvoluntary if the employee exits the company and it isn't their option — it's the company's decision. If you fire an employee or lay them off in a restructuring or reduction in force, then the exit is involuntary. All exits are either voluntary or involuntary.

<Recall> If you want to understand changes in headcount for accounting or project, you would include in your leave rate all exits. If yous want to empathise whether employees are "voting with their feet," you need to look specifically at exits coded equally voluntary, excluding all involuntary exits, which aren't the employee'southward choice. Combining voluntary and involuntary confounds the conclusion.

*Avoidable Voluntary: Admittedly, all exits are either voluntary or involuntary, but information technology's possible to suspension down the voluntary exits a flake farther. You can call an go out anAvoidable Voluntary if the employee voluntarily exits the company of their ain choice and free will, and in that location was something the visitor could have done to prevent the employee from exiting.

 *Unavoidable Voluntary: An exit isunavoidable if the employee exits the visitor, and it was completely unrelated to anything the company can control. For case, if an employee exits the company because a spouse is taking a task in another urban center, this is an unavoidable exit. Other unavoidable reasons include exits to go to school, care for a ill relative, or heighten a child, for example.

<Call up> To make an avoidable and unavoidable distinction, you need some interaction with the employee regarding his reason for the get out at the time he submits his resignation. For purposes of the avoidable or unavoidable classification, you don't necessarily need all the details. Nonetheless, you do need to know whether the person is leaving for some reason that is entirely outside the influence of the visitor.

*Regretted Voluntary: Another fashion to intermission down voluntary exits involves the arrangement's point-of-view regarding the go out. The terminology is admittedly foreign and unsettling. In any case, y'all should regret an go out if an employee with an above-average operation rating leaves. You lot should not regret an go out if the employee's performance is boilerplate or below. The reason is that all parties benefit when an employee with beneath-average functioning leaves. The exit provides the possibility to rent, transfer, or promote another employee who is above boilerplate.

*Nonregretted Voluntary: An exit isnonregretted if the employee voluntarily exits the company, and at the time of exit, the employee has a beneath-average functioning rating. You might not regret losing this person because you could supervene upon them with someone that performs better than the person leaving – meaning you are getting a functioning upgrade out of this transaction.

<Remember>  The regretted/nonregretted stardom isn't intended to be rooted in cruelty. There is a fitting procedure. The regretted/non-regretted distinction reflects this fitting process. What is best for the company (and all other employees that work together) is that the company retains a high percentage of the employees who perform extraordinarily well in this environment and allows or even prompts other employees to go to other environments where they tin can achieve extraordinary operation. The company wants to take a lower regretted exit rate than non-regretted and then that it is getting amend, not worse, over time. Without the distinction, there's no way of knowing which manner the company is heading.

Okay, but what is unavoidable?

The person charged with making the Avoidable/Unavoidable type classification must have some information nearly the get out and must brand a judgment telephone call on which type to pick. Because other people providing the classification may not fully empathise your definition or purposes for making this type of a decision, I suggest establishing a decision tree like the following:

    Is the person leaving for some other task? (Yeah, No)

    If no, and then the go out is most likely unavoidable.

    If yes, is the person moving? (Yes, No)

    If yes, which scenario applies better?

      A.) Moving for the new job.

      B.) Moving for reasons other than the chore.

    If information technology's A, then it'south most likely avoidable. If information technology's B, then information technology's almost likely unavoidable.

This case here is simplistic and probably misses a lot of other unavoidable scenarios. You should extend it. The bottom line is that you lot need some information and human judgment to code the exit properly as Avoidable and Unavoidable. It is well worth it to practice and so.

Avoidable or unavoidable seems like an arcane detail; however, it's relevant if you lot plan to utilize Voluntary-Exit-Rate equally a key performance indicator. For instance, if I were to compare two managers with ten employees, and each had ii people leave, they would both have a 20% Voluntary Exit Rate. What if 1 of them had two unavoidable exits, and the other had two avoidable exits? This has two very dissimilar meanings. One director has a 20% Voluntary Avoidable Exit Rate, and the other has a 0% Voluntary Avoidable Go out Rate. The stardom is non footling to the manager, mainly if y'all assess the manager's operation based on employee exits. The cleanest measure of "people who vote with their feet" is Avoidable-Voluntary-Exit-Rate.

The avoidable and unavoidable distinction tin can likewise ameliorate the accuracy of predictive models. It works better if you lot design one model to predict avoidable voluntary exits and a dissimilar model to predict unavoidable voluntary exits. One time sufficient accuracy has been adamant with each independent model the output can exist combined again for an improved overall forecast.

Calculating the go out rate by whatsoever exit type

In practice, when calculating by any exit type or even a combination of exit types, you lot calculate exit rate the same way, while filtering for the type you want to study. Use the following formula to summate [Leave-Type]-Exit-Rate:

[Period].[Segment].[Leave-Type].Exits / [Menses].[Segment].Average-Headcount ten 100

If you lot work with the example shown in Effigy eleven-one — the statistician exit rate — you would apply the following equation:

[2017].[Statistician].[Voluntary].Exits / [2017].[Statistician].Average-Headcount ten 100

In this instance, if simply 35 of the 62 Statistician 2017 exits are Leave Type = Voluntary, and so the Statistician 2017 Voluntary Leave-Rate is

35 / 526.38 = 0.0665 x 100 =6.7%

The 6.vii% effigy means that, in 2017, 6.7 pct of the statisticians left the visitor for voluntary reasons.

Segmenting for Insight

Segmentation is the practice of categorizing employees into different groups based on common characteristics. This process takes on cracking significance when it comes to the quality of your people analytics. If yous have too many segments, you finish up with thousands of ways of looking at the aforementioned metric. That, of course, leads to long reports, dashboards that crave a lot of user filtration, and alert-fatigue. If you lot have too few segments, you tin can fail to see any meaningful insight.

Rightly segmenting the dataset is what can brand the difference between the success and failure to engage your audience and demonstrate useful insight. You can segment employee exit rates in business units, job families, jobs, job tenures, locations, demographic segments, behavioral segments, attitudinal segments, or any other meaningful segment.

Figure eleven-2 illustrates some of the mutual categories of division in people analytics.

Figure eleven-2: Segmentation categories

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Rather than focus on the entire company at once, employ segmentation to intermission down the company to see what's going on in specific niches. Segmentation provides numerous advantages. Here are the near meaning advantages:

*Tailor-made dashboards: Through segmentation, you go to personalize your reporting to different audiences instead of having a generic, watered-downwardly dashboard for anybody. And when you focus on specific groups, traits, and characteristics, you're more likely able to bring to the foreground what executives should focus on, what matters, and what to practise near information technology.

*Identifying testify-based learning opportunities: An analyst can study the exit rate by segment and and so compare information technology to the company average or forecast benchmarks to understand how different (either loftier or low) the segment is. Segments with significant statistical differences from boilerplate (either high or low) correspond first-class inquiry opportunities!

*More effective retention efforts: Simply put, segmentation helps you lot better understand your employees' needs and then that yous can do a improve job of solving problems considering segmentation refrains from treating all people the same.

*Optimum employ of productive resources: Because yous aren't wasting resource trying to influence the beliefs of everyone, segmentation helps to reduce costsand increase the effectiveness of your resources. It allows you to concentrate your resource, money, fourth dimension, and attempt on the segments and problems that have the most value. Rather than apply watered-down efforts beyond all people, you can apply more full-bodied resources to a targeted need.

And then, what kinds of things might you discover by segmenting the employee voluntary leave rate? With division, you might acquire that women and men are equally likely to get out — which would call for 1 type of retentiveness strategy — or you might acquire that women are more probable than men to get out or vice versa (which would call for very different strategies). If there are differences, you may decide to await further to decide what is the cause of those differences.

With segmentation, you might acquire that, on average, employees have a 10 percent voluntary exit rate in their first year, v percent in their second twelvemonth, 20 percent in their third yr, and 5 percentage each subsequent year. With this information, you may decide that by the cease of the 2d yr, someone should communicate with all employees about their adjacent career opportunity at the company.

With division, you might learn that sales reps are, on average, twice equally likely as statisticians to voluntarily exit — twenty percent versus ten percent, regardless of managing director — and that this has remained true over time regardless of the overall company get out rate. With that data, yous might non want to compare the exit rate of managers in charge of sales reps with managers of statisticians.

With smart sectionalization, y'all might acquire that people who agree with the statement, "I know my next career motion at the visitor," are one-third less probable to exit in the side by side 12 months as someone who disagrees with the statement.

Also, segmentation may show you if there is or isn't a significant difference in go out rate between people in a similar job who are paid different amounts of money, for example.

Much more detail near segmentation found in my volume People Analytics for Dummies. More than of my thoughts concerning the value of segmentation in developing insight found in these three posts: Segmenting for Perspective, Finding Useful Insight in Differences, and Making Sense of Hour Metrics.

Measuring Retention Charge per unit

Employee retention rate is the reverse of the exit rate — the other side of the coin, in other words. Thememory rate is the percentage of employees who outset a period and then make it to the terminate. To truly understand, predict, and control employee attrition, you accept to have a theory of not only why people are leaving but also why people are staying. One affair you can exist sure of is that if you can increase employee retention, y'all reduce employee attrition. Though retentiveness and compunction are quite similar, in some contexts, the retention rate is a better metric than the exit rate.

Every bit with about metrics, there's more than one method to calculate the memory rate. The easiest method combines several other metrics that easy to understand and that you already know how to calculate easily:

[Segment].[Period].{Headcount-SOP} = the count of employees in a defined segment on the first day of a defined period

[Segment].[Catamenia].{Headcount-EOP} = the count of employees in a defined segment on the concluding day of a defined period

[Segment].[Period].{Hires} = the count of employees hired in the segment in the catamenia

<Tip> When analyzing a segment information technology'due south generally best to exclude the people involved in transfers in and out of the segment from the entire retention analysis considering these situations add unnecessary complexity. Retrieve to remove the people involved in transfers from the Start of Period Headcount and the End of Period Headcount and ignore the transfer activity. Analyze transfer activity separately.

The autograph Retention Rate formula looks like this:

(([Segment].[Period].{Headcount-EOP} - ([Segment].[Period].{Hires}) / [Segment].[Menstruum].{Headcount-SOP}) x 100.

To calculate the segment retention rate, you first count the number of people with a divers segment classification at the end of a divers period. And then you count and subtract the number of new hires with a divers segment classification in the defined period and then split the result by the number of employees classified with the defined segment at the start of the defined period. Finally, yous multiply that result by 100 to get the segment retention rate.

<Tip> If you are the type of business that has many hires that do not last an entire yr, east.g. most retail organizations, then the elementary method of calculating retention I provide here will not be accurate. It may result in a near-zero or negative retention rate, when in reality, more employees may take been retained than the retention rate reflects. If you lot have a lot of hires that exit and are replaced in less than one twelvemonth, then you will need to utilize a more advanced retention calculation technique. Feel free to reach out to me by LinkedIn or email for more detail on how to do this.

Measuring Delivery

Fortunately, you don't have to wait until people exit the company if you want to notice out where yous stand up and in what segments you tin work to improve employee delivery to reduce attrition.

Commitment is a measure out of psychological attachment to the company. Committed employees feel a connection to the company, feel that they fit in, and feel that they share the goals of the company. As a result, committed employees are more loyal to a company and less likely to leave it. In short, commitment is a measurement of the bail between an individual and a visitor.

Organizational scientists have developed many nuanced definitions of commitment, as well equally numerous survey scale options to measure it. The scientists take also demonstrated that these survey-based measures of commitment predict actual work behaviors such every bit attrition, organizational citizenship behavior, and chore operation.

In this section are 10 questions selected to help you calculate a composite index of delivery, which you should offer equally statements with a Likert agreement scale, which I hash out in Affiliate 12. These questions can be used together, in a smaller batch, or as independent items. That said, indexes that consist of multiple items tend to perform better than single items — the blended index covers a broader range of bug and is a more reliable predictor of future behavior.

First, here's the calibration you should be using:

Likert agreement scale:

(1) Strongly Disagree

(2) Disagree

(3) Neither Agree nor Disagree

(4) Agree

 (five) Strongly Agree

And here are the statements:

For each statement, respondents indicate how much they agree with the statement past choosing a value from the Likert scale, just described:

* I am thrilled being a member of<Company>. * I believe in the mission of <Company>.

*<Company> has a corking deal of personal meaning for me.

* I would exist delighted to spend the rest of my career with<Company>.

* I savour discussing<Visitor> with people outside it.

* I feel like I'm "office of the family" at<Company>.

* I feel a stiff sense of belonging to<Company>.

* It would be tough for me to leave<Company> correct now, fifty-fifty if I wanted to.

* I experience that I owe this organization quite a bit because of what information technology has done for me.

*<Company> deserves my loyalty because of its treatment toward me.

Commitment Index scoring

Each item can either be reported independently by each Likert choice choice or combined into an indexed scale. If you lot employ all 10 items, you can define the Commitment Index every bit the cumulative response total, where you assign 1 point for Strongly Disagree, 2 points for Disagree, 3 points for Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4 points for Agree, and 5 points for Strongly Hold. Applying this method, those who take the survey can achieve a possible Commitment Alphabetize score between 10 and 50 points.

Commitment types

You may take the Delivery Index one step further and categorize all survey responses as 1 of 3 delivery types:

*High: Scored 40 to 50

*Uncertain: Scored 30 to 39

*Low: Scored less than 30

Calculating intent to stay

Though the method is less robust than the 10-Detail Commitment Index, you can likewise just ask employees a single item representing whether or not they intend to stay. This item too uses a Likert agreement scale.

* If I have my way, I will be working for this organization i year from now.

I accept identified a stiff correlation between the response on this Intent to Stayparticular and an exit over the adjacent 12 months. Absolutely,theintent to stay is not a perfect individual predictor, just it is a great predictor of exits past segment (for example, past business unit). By this, I mean that the lower the average response to this item in a business unit, the more exits you see in that unit of measurement. It provides a signal indicating where y'all should go to work.

<Warning> The Intent to Stay particular does have a few born flaws. Most employees take no idea what will happen in the side by side year — they may accept no plans at the moment to leave, just this may change afterwards. For those who plan to leave, you lot're getting a reasonably authentic predictor of their future behavior if presented with an opportunity; however, if no desirable opportunity presents itself, such individuals are still employed at the end of the period you're reviewing.

These flaws tell you as much nigh how to analyze the problem equally authentic predictions. We at present know that the problem is, at minimum, one part intention and one part external opportunity. What you demand to understand two conditions:

a) what the employee wants, and b) how likely some other employer is to take them.

Identify conditional logic to refine your understanding of the problem to improve how y'all collect and model data in the future to make more accurate predictions.

<Tip> Yous may question whether employees respond honestly to any straight questions yous pose. The degree to which employees will provide yous with accurate information on surveys is influenced by the decisions you make. The most important decision hither is to have your survey professionally administered past a tertiary political party who can assist you work with the sensitive information that employees provide in a style that provides for their individual safe and confidentiality.

Calculating the benefits of measuring commitment and intent to stay

I want to stress that the Commitment Index and the Intent to Stay item are both helpful when it comes to comparing segments with each other to identify which segments are more likely to experience high compunction in the futurebefore it happens. Both the Commitment Index and the Intent to Stay item can exist trended over fourth dimension to see whether the compunction adventure is increasing or decreasing.

Not all high commitment employees stay — not all depression-commitment types go. All the same, if you agree on to the survey data and one year later study get out rate segmented past the recorded commitment type yous recorded one twelvemonth before, you discover that low-commitment employees are at least two to three times more likely to exit than employees on average, and that loftier-commitment employees are two to three times less likely to exit. If your boilerplate exit charge per unit is ten percentage, this could mean thatlow-commitment employees could have an exit rate of thirty per centum or more than, though high-commitment employees could have an exit rate of v percent or less. I encourage y'all to collect commitment data on surveys and try this analysis yourself. In any case, my enquiry and the enquiry of many other professionals have validated the fact that measures like Commitment Index and Intent to Stay are useful in predicting employee go out. It may not be the merely factor predicting the likelihood to exit, but it is useful.

Finally, if y'all have included the Commitment Index and the Intent to Stay item in a more extensive almanac survey requesting opinions about a range of other topics (managers, pay, leaders, visitor prospects, and then on) you can correlate the responses to all topics with a commitment to see which items best explain commitment. What yous're looking for are the items where you lot see the well-nigh significant departure between high-commitment and low-commitment employees. Though correlation doesn't imply causation, those items that correlate with the Commitment Index and the Intent to Stay item tin help you identify the likely drivers of employee exit and retention.

<Tip> This is referred to as "Central Commuter Analysis." To find out more nigh Central Driver Analysis, see Affiliate fifteen in People Analytics For Dummies.

Understanding Why People Leave

The Streetlight Effect (also known every bit theDrunk's Search principle) is a type of observational bias that occurs whenever people search for something only where it's easiest to wait. Both names refer to a well-known joke circulated among data professionals. The story goes like this:

A policeman sees a drunk human being searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys, and they both wait under the streetlight together. After a few minutes, the policeman asks the man if he is sure that he lost them here, and the drunkard replies no — he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching hither, and the drunk replies, "This is where the low-cal is."

The drunkard looking under the lite is besides how you go astray when analyzing employee attrition. You are scrutinizing employee attrition to see what's broke, what is causing it, and what to do about it. Unfortunately, unless you lot put careful forethought into collecting the relevant data beforehand, from a wide sample of people, some who stay and some who go, then yous volition be like the drunkard hopelessly looking for the keys in the wrong identify.

In the next department, I share the ways that things go incorrect with get out surveys, talk about what information you need to collect in an exit survey, so provide an instance of what a practiced get out survey looks similar.

Creating a better leave survey

An exit survey represents the last opportunity you have to ask questions before the employee moves on. Leave surveys tin aid you classify exits, identify talent competitor threats, understand how talent competitors are winning your people, and learn what you can do better to keep people. If you're serious almost wanting to gain control over attrition, yous need to do go out surveys. Unfortunately, a lot of lousy leave surveys are out there, and not many companies are getting much use from them. In this department, I explicate what can go wrong and and so provide you with an example of a more than constructive get out survey instrument. Table 11-1 spells out the issues posed past many get out surveys.

Dealing with the Issues of Exit Surveys

Problem 1: Your survey has a depression, non-random response rate

Most companies achieve less than a 30 percent response charge per unit on their exit surveys. In this scenario, the most substantial categorial reason that employees leave is "Unknown." (lxx percentage). How so does anything on the exit survey represent any useful data? In theory, a small sample can represent useful information about leavers if the sample is collected randomly, withal since those providing feedback on the get out survey are not selected randomly, then the responses of the 30% are misleading. To be clear - if y'all have no collected a random sample and you take less than a lxx% response rate, I would suggest yous are better off non to use the information at all! The underlying cause of the low response rate is generally poor execution. The survey isn't requested in fourth dimension before the employee leaves - in that location wasn't an appropriately motivated involvement in the employee. The result is too few responses for useful analysis.

Problem 2:Your survey lacks confidentiality

Another problem is created when you decide to utilize managers or HR representatives to collect feedback at exit rather than a professional third-political party administrator. The lack of investment in a condom third-political party survey provider telegraphs a lack of seriousness near getting candid feedback and is "Amateur Hour."

Employees have petty to proceeds by digging deep to provide their best answers. They may call back, "I have some feedback I can share, simply at this stage, information technology's water nether the bridge for me, and then information technology's non worth the effort."

 If you have a tertiary-party agent collect the data for you and provide assurances that they just share information dorsum with the visitor in aggregate, and then people feel safer to speak their mind.

Problem 3: Poor design: Y'all have errors in question logic that bias responses

Many go out surveys are designed by people who may have taken a survey or two before but have no professional person training in survey design, so they make errors that bias response and derange interpretation. A typical example is request directly "Why did you go out?" — and and then providing a listing of options to choose from, where several of the options on this list are duplicate or overlapping, and other essential options are omitted. Of grade, in the circumstances, the person is forced to cull one option from the list provided. The questions asked, and the response options frame the entire analysis.

Furthermore, the requirement to provide one reason implies that there's only 1 reason when, in fact, there may be several. Also, the biggest influencers of behavior are often inaccessible cognitively. They could be inferred indirectly with a careful design but cannot be provided by the employee directly.

Problem 4: Poor pattern: You aren't asking the questions necessary to go the essential information you demand at the fourth dimension of leave

More important than the details of the confounding "Why are you lot leaving?" question, other questions are often missed.

For example, "Where are yous going?" "When precisely did you decide to leave?" and "Did whatever disquisitional incidents influence your determination?" would be as important questions to inquire.

What you lot don't ask is frequently more important influence on your success or failure than what you lot do enquire, because there are so many more things left out than put in and omission is irretrievable.

Trouble five: You've muddy the waters by including together information from regretted and nonregretted exits

You have employees that you lot want to keep and employees whose exit you wouldn't mind at all. If you don't distinguish between the ii, the information you collect pulls you in the incorrect direction. For an ill-fit or otherwise low-performing employee (nonregretted exits), youdesire the company feel, pay, or manager relationship to be uncomfortable. If you lump these together with regretted exits, then you have made the reasons regretted exits go out blurry, peculiarly if you take more nonregretted exits than regretted.

If you collect data for both regretted and nonregretted exits, it is o.k. But yous should sectionalization these so you can separate the data you collect from these very different exit types at the fourth dimension yous report the data.

Trouble half dozen:You have errors in assay and estimation

A common mistake is interpreting the reason for get out from only leave survey information, without a point of reference. At that place is a severe logical flaw if you lot review exit data without a point of reference and use it to interpret the reason for people are exiting. A improve assay is to compare the response to the aforementioned survey questions betwixt stayers and leavers.

For example, let's say you asked all employees to rate their satisfaction with managers, pay, and career opportunity on a scale of 1 to ten, and on average, employees responded with an eight to a career opportunity, 7 to managers and five to pay. The five doesn't audio skilful, especially when compared to the other items, but you are not sure. When employees leave, you ask employees to rate the same three things again. On boilerplate, amidst employees who exit, the responses were 7 to managers, vi to career opportunities, and 5 to pay. Again, this issue seems to indicate pay is responsible for exits since employees are most negative almost pay (5). However, you demand to think more than carefully about this. Since the stayers and leavers evaluated pay the aforementioned fashion - and more people stayed than left - so there is a problem with the logic of the conclusion that pay is the reason for the exit. If the response to the pay item is the same on average between "stayers and leavers," and there are more stayers than leavers, and then the pay item cannot explain the get out. Looking at the other items, you notice that the only item where people who left responded less favorably than the people who stayed was career opportunity. The perception of career opportunity is a more plausible explanation than any of the other items, even though it is rated higher than the other items on boilerplate.

Information technology is important to compare the responses of stayers vs. leavers to the same (or like) questions to decide the real reasons for leaving.

You cannot determine what questions differentiate between stayers and leavers only using exit surveys considering the stayers don't accept get out surveys! Better analysis for determining why people leave is to survey all employees on a wide range of problems some periodic consistent basis and and so report response to these bug comparing the responses to stayers and leavers over time. It is the items that are dissimilar betwixt the stayers and leavers that is the nearly plausible explanation (and future predictor) for the get out. To practise this assay, you lot demand to collect survey data in a manner that you tin can hold on to it for a while and join it with leave data to practise this analysis. Many professional employee survey services, including my own company, provide this capability.

Example get out survey

Enough of the problems! On to a more effective leave survey musical instrument. The leave survey example below was advisedly constructed, taking into consideration many of the bug described in the table above. The design of the instance get out survey included below is intended to take advantage of the opportunity you take to collect some data at the time employees go out, while attempting to steer clear of some of the most apparent logical flaws noted above. In any case, concord the data you obtain from any leave survey loosely. It is a single data point from a broader range of data you have the opportunity to collect and analyze to validate or invalidate theories. The logic of your analysis is just equally important (or more important) than the calculation. If y'all use all of the opportunities you have to collect information, remember systematically, and be careful with the logic of your assay you make it at a meliorate respond so if you view each information source independently.

Below are a set of exit survey questions designed to go you the information you lot demand. I have included a variety of notations that explicate the choices I made and that provide instructions nearly how you should gear up the skip logic and response options. This detail should not appear in the survey - information technology is for your optics only.

Sample Exit Survey Questions

After you go out<Company>, will you immediately be working for another employer? (Yes, No)

<Remember>  Replace <Company> with your company's name.

<Remember>  In the exit survey are not trying to collect all possible exit types, which in their multifariousness will occur too infrequently to provide value to know. The first thing you lot are looking to attain is to determine the skip logic in the survey, so the person gets survey questions that are relevant to them. The second affair you are looking to achieve is to determine if this is an Avoidable or Unavoidable exit. Virtually volition respond "Yeah," they volition exist going on to another employer, and then they will skip to the adjacent set of questions. If they answered the "No" and select 1 of these personal endpoints, so the survey mechanics should skip all of the questions about the new job, which volition non use.

<If no>

 Will yous tell united states of america more nigh what you volition be doing:

 (Select one)

 * I don't want to say

 * Retiring

 * Caring for children or significant others

* Going to school

 * Other

<If yes>

* Is your new job in the same industry? (Yes, No)

*Is your new job an increased level of responsibleness? (Yeah, No)

*What is the name of your new employer? (Open Concluded)

<Remember>  Here above, you know the employee is going to a new employer, and at present you want to be able to written report, filter, and clarify exits by the yes/no questions to reveal important patterns in questions below in the go out the survey. We as well ask the name of the new employer - this is to begin to accumulate a running list, which could help you place companies actively targeting your employees and to identify companies that may be presenting a better value proposition for some reason.

For your new employer, do you expect to proceeds or lose in the following areas?

<Scale> one. Lose a lot. two. Lose a picayune. 3. Neither lose nor proceeds. 4. Gain a little. five. Proceeds a lot.

* Overall quality of the company/organization

* Quality of leadership

* Director relationship

* Peer relationships

* Quality of work

* Learning and development opportunity

* Level of responsibility

* Long-term career opportunity

 * Expected value of total compensation package (base, bonus, & stock, if applicable)

* Benefits (health & retirement, if applicative)

* Perks (nutrient, onsite services, and fitness, for example)

<Remember>  Here above yous provide a spectrum of items that characterize the nature of the employee and employer human relationship, and a calibration so as to make up one's mind on residuum how your company stands versus its talent competitors, and if any of these broad categories may be pushing or pulling employees. The nature of the question is piece of cake for the employee to reply to. They simply browse the list and select a number between one and 5. The construction of this fix of items provides for the possibility of analyzing multiple influences, without over-taxing the employee to reconcile complex logic. I propose that yous provide this same ready of questions to employees you lot have acquired from other organizations to compare the responses of those coming to your organizations with those leaving your organization. The comparison of the responses from those acquired versus those leaving will be an interesting and useful visual. From that comparison, you will come across overall what motivates people to exit jobs across any talent competitor and where on balance, you lot are winning and losing in your talent market.

On residuum, how would you characterize your decision to go out <Company>

(Select one)

* Mostly for reasons within<Visitor>'southward power to accost.

* By and large for reasons outside of<Company>'s ability to address.

If this applies, please describe anything that prevented you from being every bit successful as you would accept liked to have been at<Company>:  (Open-ended)

Did any recent actions or events impact your decision to go out<Visitor>?

(Select all that apply)

* Actions or inactions by your managing director

* Actions or inactions past the leadership team

* Actions or inactions by peers in your immediate workgroup

* Actions or inactions past others at piece of work not in your immediate workgroup

* Work-Related Other

* Personal changes or events

If you would like to analyze or qualify any of the choices you made above, please do and so here:  (Open-ended)

Is at that place anything nosotros could have done differently to keep you longer? (Yep, No)

<If yes>Delight tell the states what wecould take done differently to proceed you longer: (Open up-ended)

Is there annihilation<Company> tin can do now or in the time to come to get you back? (Aye, No)

<If yeah>Delight tell u.s. what we can do to go you back?(Open-ended)

This is an extract from the book People Analytics for Dummies, published by Wiley, written by me.

Don't judge a volume past its embrace. More on People Analytics For Dummies hither

I have moved the growing list of pre-publication writing samples hither: Index of People Analytics for Dummies sample chapters on

You will find many differences between these samples and the physical copy in the volume - notably my posts lack the fantabulous editing, finish, and binding applied by the print publisher. If y'all discover these samples interesting, y'all think the volume sounds useful; please purchase a copy, or two, or twenty-four.

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